Saturday, May 9, 2020

Why "The Da Vinci Code" is the Best Thriller Writing Book Ever?

Reasons why "The Da Vinci Code" is the Best Thriller Writing book ever 

Are you a thriller writing lover? Have you read the ‘Da Vinci Code'? You might have heard about this famous piece of work by Dan Brown. If you haven't yet, I’m here with some reasons why you should be considering to read it. 
While taking recommendations from friends, colleges, etc, you only look forward to starting a book if you find reasons satisfying enough right?
Well, I might help you with the same here. 


Characters – 

1. Robert Langdon (the male protagonist)
2. Sophie Neveu (the female protagonist) 

3. Silas (the servant)

4. Jacques Saunière  (Sophie’s grandfather)

5. Sir Leigh Teabing (historian)

6. Bezu Fache (the policeman)

Plot –
       Somebody assassinates the curator of the famous French museum Louvre, Jacques Saunière, Sophie's grandfather in the museum itself. Jacques leaves a cryptographic number and a message for her daughter, “find Langdon”, a symbologist from the US who was on his visit to France. This message results in a clear suspicion of Langdon by the police head, Bezu Fache. 
Sophie and Langdon somehow cast themselves away from the eyes of police and start their journey finding the culprit behind the scene. They meet Leigh Teabing who helps in their journey and take them to England. 
Series of events take place and they finally find the assassinator of Jacques Saunière. The entire story revolves around the Holy Grail and codes left by Sophie's grandfather. The primary thrill is decoding them.

7 reasons – 

1. Reality-based topic -  
Though the story is complete fiction, the references that the author has used are very common to us, the Mona Lisa’s painting, the photo of great supper, Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene together, the holy grail. Also the symbolic references Langdon use. 

2. Altering your emotions drastically –
At the beginning of the story, you feel extremely curious, the next part makes you highly anxious, later you see a light of hope, next you feel the agony towards the assassinator and lastly you finally feel satisfied. 
These are well thought out, rightly placed emotional hypes plotted out, so that you stick to the book till the very end.

3. Gives you a strong historical and religious knowledge –
Reading this book not just gives you the best thrilling experience but also the detailed knowledge of the history of a certain period, about the famous historical artefacts, about the origination of Christianity, about the famous places related to history. Moreover, symbology and cryptography can be nowhere found better than here. 

4. Appreciating art –
About the great artists, their artistic creations, meaning behind those masterpieces. We are familiar with the great paintings of Da Vinci but little do we know what exactly the great artist wanted to communicate via it and spread his word. Featuring the great scientist Newton at the climax improved the intensity of the reading experience. 

5. Unpredictability at every single page -
In the last quarter of the book, it makes your adrenaline run so high that it literally makes you jump in your seat. Every moment becomes exciting and you just thrive to read more and more. 

6. Very well described characters –
The way each character is illustrated is flawless, starting from their physical attributes to their personality types, everything. When I completed the book and saw the poster of the movie, I was surprised to see the characters just as I imagined.

7. The connection between the characters The author makes you think all the time that “how are these characters related to each other?”. You long for that moment to occur when they finally reveal that at the closing chapters. 

It is worth investing your leisure quarantine time in this classic. Cheers. 

Why "The Da Vinci Code" is the Best Thriller Writing Book Ever?

Reasons why "The Da Vinci Code" is the Best Thriller Writing book ever  - Are you a thriller writing lover? ...